How do you choose an intellectual property law firm?

The field of intellectual property is much more complex and challenging than the field of physical property, since, unlike the ownership of physical property such as real estate, equipment or vehicles, the boundaries of the protection of an idea, design or musical element are much less tangible and unequivocal. The rights to intellectual property may To cross geographical borders, they will usually be limited in time, and as technology continues to advance, it is easier to violate them, by copying and imitation. Due to all these reasons, in order to protect your intellectual property rights, and to exhaust the profit potential inherent in them, it is very important to have a professional intellectual property law firm by your side, with the appropriate expertise and experience.

So get our recommendations for 5 parameters that are recommended to check before choosing an intellectual property law firm.

One address
Intellectual property management has many facets, from registration, patents, designs, copyrights and trademarks, through protection of the firm’s intellectual property assets, intellectual property maintenance to intellectual property litigation in the management of claims, conducting due diligence and formulating usage agreements. In light of all this, it is important to formulate an intellectual property strategy that will maximize the company’s income and the protection of its assets. Therefore, the recommendation is to choose an intellectual property law firm that is able to look horizontally at all aspects of the company’s intellectual property, and provide a package of services that guarantees a complete end-to-end response, in all areas of invention.

Legal proficiency and expertise
The intellectual property assets, including: patents, trademarks, designs and models as well as qualified works of art, plays, photographs and images, architectural plans, and recorded content as podcasts, are protected by various laws and sections, including the Patent Law and the Patents and Designs Ordinance, the Trademark Ordinance, the Copyright Law, The Law of Designs, the Law of Designs and the Law of Commercial Torts. Therefore, intellectual property law is a specific and unique specialization that also requires specific knowledge of the laws and above all – many years of experience in the field.

Proven experience in international activity
In order to anchor the ownership rights of a patent, trademark, model or design in different countries, it is necessary to submit registration applications in each country separately. Patent attorneys with proven experience in submitting applications for patent registration abroad, will be able to guide you in which country should you submit a registration application, and through their international working relationships will assist you in drafting the application according to the highlights relevant to that country. Moreover, in order to continue to preserve the protection of intellectual property assets For yours, it is very important to be accompanied by professional intellectual property lawyers with international experience in intellectual property maintenance and litigation who will ensure that your rights are renewed on time, according to the laws of each country, and will be able to represent you in lawsuits in cases of intellectual property rights violations in Israel and abroad.

Professional background and expertise in the field of invention
In order to register a patent in the field of a scientific or technological invention, it is necessary for the patent attorney to have in-depth specialization in this field of knowledge, including a relevant education, as well as rich professional experience in registering patents in the field. Also, in intellectual property litigation (Hebrew: litigation) – objections and appeals on patent, design or model registration, treatment of copyright infringements on musical works, due diligence of intellectual property assets in the field of software, and more, it is very important to check the specific experience of the law firm For intellectual property the number of clients, the number of registrations he made, the number of lawsuits he handled, and of course his successes –  in the field.

Seniority and experience
It is the seniority and experience that the firm’s team brings that will make all the difference in the level of commercial protection you will have. On the part of the patent editors, this will be expressed in the ability to examine the invention with a broad and forward-looking perspective, and the skill to deal with objections and objections that may arise during the submission. On the part of the intellectual property lawyers, seniority, experience and skill will be reflected in assisting in intellectual property transactions in the development of models of use, managing negotiations and drafting the agreements, realistic valuations of intellectual property assets in preparation for transactions, and of course in litigating claims relating to intellectual property infringement.

As a leading intellectual property law firm, the Dr. Mark Friedman firm has high expertise and extensive experience of over 30 years representing over 8,000 clients in Israel and around the world, in all areas of intellectual property, including the filing of over 3,000 patents in the USA. Along with the extensive and varied knowledge in all worlds of technological and scientific content, and the high skill in legal litigation, the firm’s team has also acquired and developed over the years a deep commercial understanding that complements the legal knowledge, and allows it to provide significant unique added value in the formulation of intellectual property management and commercialization strategies.

*The aforementioned in this article and on the website in general should not be considered as legal advice and the things written in it should not be considered as a substitute for individual legal advice, but a personal opinion and/or a general explanation only. Of course, you should not rely on and/or act in accordance with the above without individual legal advice from an attorney


For any questions on this topic, contact us


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